Sorry this will be short, but I don't have much time today. I have so many
things to say, but I will have to be content with just a couple.
I was reading in Mosiah studying some of my previous notes and I
came across Mosiah 28:3. Verse 3 says "Now
they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for
they could not bear that any human soul should perish;
yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should
endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble." HOLY
WHAT?! That hit me so hard. I wrote in my scriptures "Why am I on my
mission?" Am I here because I cannot bear the thought of any soul
perishing in unbelief? It was such a powerful lesson for me.
Also, we were
having a pretty lame week. We lost two investigators and had no one
to teach, so we were doing a lot of chapping and street contacting. We reached
the end of our day with no visible success (It is always a successful
day when you have tried your hardest). While we were walking home both Elder
Hatch and I were pretty silent, then our phone beeped and we had two potential
investigators text us that they wanted to meet! What a miracle!
The Lord really
is helping us to do this work. He desires for our success. I love Him so much.
This work is amazing. I'm sorry. I have to go, but I love you. I am fighting a good fight for the Glory of my God and KING!
Elder Crowe
:) :D